What is Baidu and why do businesses in China need Baidu?

For anyone already doing business in China, you must be familiar with baidu, because it’s almost a marketing battleground you can’t avoid. For people who come to China to do business, Baidu is the English version of Google. In addition to those who do B2C e-commerce retail, which may be more likely to consider facebook, Amazon and other platforms to promote their business, most companies need Google to expand their business. The same thing  in China, where companies that do B2C e-commerce retail are more likely to choose platforms like Taobao, JD.com, or wechat. Most companies need Baidu marketing, especially for industries that rely on the Internet such as cloud computing, IT, and online education, online invest.

Despite the rapid growth of platforms such as wechat, Douyin and Taobao, Baidu remains an important portal for Chinese netizens to access the Internet and learn about information. Every Chinese who goes online, always can’t avoid using search engines for information search. This kind of feeling is just like that foreigners go directly to Amazon for shopping and Facebook for contacting friends, but they still go to Google for weather, information, research, answers and other behaviors. When Chinese people do this, the tool they often use is Baidu.

Regardless of the country, people’s buying habits are basically similar. Always doing some compare before you buy. Search the Internet for word of mouth and compare products and services from different companies. Chinese buying habits are the same, so there is a need to build word of mouth and visibility on the Internet, and Baidu is an important way to build word of mouth and visibility on China Internet.

For some special industries, such as medical care, network security, Internet investment and so on, the Internet is a sensitive industry in China. If they want to operate in China, they will encounter obstacles through general marketing channels. For example, for wechat, Weibo, foreign enterprises  who are in those sensitive industries are prohibited from advertising. While content marketing is feasible, Baidu SEO is often very suitable for these special industries.


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